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Recipes Korean Spicy Chicken. (Recipes Korea)


250 grams of chicken wings
100 grams all-purpose flour
50 grams of rice flour
2 cloves of garlic
2 spring onions
2 packets of chili powder (I use bon chilli)
4 tablespoons chili sauce
1 tablespoon soy sauce
taste of margarine
very little salt
1 tbsp honey
toasted sesame taste
chives to taste

pieces - pieces of chicken wings, boiled with garlic and salt that's been crushed

Mix flour and rice flour seasoning, chicken jerky into it pinch-pinch input to a solution of flour and roll the chicken into telling once again

Fried chicken on low heat until golden

Heat margarine, put chopped garlic and onion, chili sauce, soy sauce, honey, salt and chili powder

Enter fried chicken into the sauce, check the taste. Sprinkle chives and sesame roasted.serve