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Recipes Drink Hot Chocolate

There are various types of hot chocolate and a variety of ways to make it. Broadly speaking, there are made using cocoa powder, some use melted chocolate coverture. The latter is known as hot chocolate a la French way to make it is unique. Coverture chocolate doused hot milk until melted, then mix evenly or left flat so that the melted chocolate that settle to the bottom could dikudap dripping with hot milk. Hmmm ... delicious! Also easy is served at picnic tables .. Tried and true! * Degree tiker *

150 grams of dark chocolate coverture
150 gr fresh cream
1 liter of hot milk

How to make:

Heat a little fresh cream to the boil, turn off the heat. Enter the dark chocolate coverture, stir until no brown bergerindil.
Divide into 4 glasses, or five cups.
Pour the hot milk until the cup is full.